Therapy for Adults

For most of us there comes a time in our lives where we face challenges that are difficult to process or make sense of by ourselves. This can be brought on by any number of internal or external events such as the challenges that occur as part of big life transitions, challenges in relationships (both intimate and otherwise), dealing with our own emotions on a day-to-day basis or processing traumatic events.

It is during these times that reaching out for professional help can be highly effective in helping one navigate through difficult moments. The purpose of therapy is to provide a genuinely caring and non-judgemental space where one can address these issues with the aid of an objective & empathetic person. A therapist isnt there to ‘fix you’ because ultimately you aren’t broken. They are their to listen attentively, explore avenues and question you in a way that leads to a greater sense of empowerment and autonomy.

How do I know If I need therapy?

Adulthood can be a time of great freedom and joy but it is certainly not without its challenges. While many people understand therapy to be a place that people with ‘issues’ go, this could not be further from the truth.

There are so many different phases we find ourselves in, each with their own set of challenges. These could include embarking on tertiary studies, building a career, changing a career, starting a family, difficulties in ones relationship or marriage, ongoing destructive patterns of behaviour or simply struggling to find the tools to manage every day life. Whether you have been struggling for a long period of time or simply find yourself in a difficult life transition, therapy can be highly beneficial in providing support and guidance.

How long does therapy last for?

Not all patients require long-term therapy and for many anything from 4 to 8 sessions may be more than enough to address the pressing matters in their lives. However, there are some cases in which ongoing support can be extremely beneficial. I am mindful that not all patients can manage long-term therapy whether from a logistic or financial perspective and therefore am happy to discuss what is possible. 

What issues can therapy for adults help with?

Therapy can offer a very effective way of treating a wide range of psychological, emotional, and relational problems. Having a safe and confidential space to voice your worries, explore your struggles, confront difficult topics, and talk openly about your thoughts and feelings can be highly beneficial for individuals dealing with a wide range of issues, including such things as:

Life transitions (family/studies/career ect)
Low mood or depression
Anxiety-related challenges
Loss of loved ones
Interpersonal relationships
Stress management
Emotional regulation
Adult ADHD related challenges

What type of therapy do you offer?

My approach to therapy has always been person-centered and solution-focused.  I try to create an environment for my patients that is, from the get go, warm and accepting. 
My role, as I see it, is facilitating growth and encouraging the innate strength I believe we all possess. My work draws predominantly from Acceptance and Commitment Therapy & Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) as this has strong empirical support particularly as a form of therapy for depression, anxiety and self-esteem. MBCT essentially brings together two highly regarded forms of therapy known as Mindfulness and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), which when combined form a highly effective form of treatment.

Recommended Links for further reading:

  1. World Health Organization (WHO) – Burn-out:
  2. Mayo Clinic – Job burnout:
  3. Psychology Today – Burnout:
  4. HelpGuide – Burnout Prevention and Treatment:
  5. MindTools – Understanding and Avoiding Burnout: