Intake form Educational assessments - Tertiary institutes

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Medical aid details

Principal member Name

Details of client

Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 4 files.
Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 4 files.

School history

Current scholastic functioning

How would you rate your performance, according to ability?
How do you feel about your academic progress?
Does your performance vary from day to day?
Has there ever been a sudden change in performance?
What is your general attitude towards university?
Have you ever experienced any of the following?

Medical history

Just a reminder that is strictly confidential.
How would you rate your short term memory?

Consent form

1. Acknowledge that the information collected by means of psychological tests is only meaningful if it is interpreted by somebody who knows the theory which underlies the relevant test and interprets it in the context of the situation.
2. Acknowledge that the limitations of the specific tests will be explained to me when required.
3. Am aware that the raw scores which are obtained from the tests used during the assessment will only be released to education institutions for concession applications when required.
4. Give consent to communicate information and reports (where applicable) via email and/or Whatsapp messaging platform.
5. Acknowledge that I/we gave my/our consent, willingly and without being unduly influenced to do so by my/our therapist or any other person.
Please note that all private information collected about you will be treated as highly confidential; no information will be disclosed without your consent, unless we feel you are at harm to yourself, others or if required to do so by a court of Law.

Feedback session preference

Please note that should you choose not to have a feedback then this session will not be billed for.

Payment instructions

Please note that Dayne Williams operates as a cash practice and therefore the patient is responsible for payment. Once payment has been made you will be issued with a receipt which can be used to claim back from medical aid. Please consult your medical aid first to ensure funds are available for psychological sessions.
Payment must be made on or before the day of assessment with a POP sent to Please consult for assessment cost. No assessments can commence without this. Please find banking details below
Bank Details
Account Holder: D Williams and Associates
Bank Name: FNB
Branch Number: 050655
Account Number: 63117157156
Please use name and surname as a reference